Todas las opiniones
Borza Vasile,
ERASMUS + May 2010 ISJ Arad
"Dna.Monica Szauka, reprezentanta SIC a dat dovada de multa disponibilitate si a facilitat desfasurarea optima a programului. Consider ca intreg programul a fost o reusita si ma consider a fi unul dintre beneficiarii "norocosi" ai acestuia."
Jennifer Acquarone,
ERASMUS + April 2010 - Chelmsford College (UK)
"My placement was well chosen and I picked up a lot of Spanish and good relationship with the people from my placement."
Petruţa Păun,
pupil ERASMUS + 2010 (Petroşani, Rumanía)
"Unforgettable experience, I learned a lot of new things about a different culture, other way of thinking and I discovered the beauty of work in tourim.O experienta de neuitat , nu ma asteptam sa fie atat de bine!"
Sinead Mullan,
EMPOWER Project, Phase 2 Malaga 2010 (Dungannon Council-N Irlanda)
"A well organised and extremely informative and enjoyable programme.Monica spent great deal of time organising everything. Thank you for everything Monica."
Lacrimioara Popa,
Erasmus 2009 (Rumanía)
"Great experience, nice friendly people. Very well prepared management departament both for the coordination and monitoring."
Mihai Tiba,
Erasmus 2009, Rumanía
"This experience I believe that is very important because I have the opportunity to meet people, cultures, places interesting and pleasant with a great historical resonance on which you never thought you could master them to look and to feel so intense and almost. In closing many thanks to those that have made this beautiful and useful ."
Cristina Olvedi,
Erasmus 2009, Rumanía
"During my three months of training in Malaga I gained more experience and more knowledge, I had the opportunity to work into a professional environment and implement the knowledge obtained during the University, to learn more about the culture and history of Spain and to make new friends and establish new connections."
Ryan Hill,
Essex,UK -ERASMUS + 2009
"My experience in Malaga was very good .Very nice people at the training and I learned a lot and had fun too.Many thanks."
Carmen Răbontu,
Teacher, Rumanía - Coordinator ERASMUS + Training 2009
"A successful training through were achieved all the proposed goals and the participants to the training developed business competences and initiatives. Un program de succes prin intermediul căruia au fost realizate toate obiectivele propuse. Vă mulţumim!"
Katharina Gortz,
Student Leipzig (Alemania)
"I enjoyed my stay in Malaga, it was a great experience.After a few weeks I become part of my training company and my Tutor was always there to help me."
Monica Leba,
Eu Coordinator, Conf. Monica Leba, Rumanía - Participant STAFF Training
"In my opinion our Erasmus Staff Training was very well organized and also interesting. We established contacts with some companies and institutions for future colaboration. Experienta a fost conform asteptarilor."
Lenka K,
Teacher, Eslovaquia
"Good preparation, excellent information. The work was adapted to students needs, very professional, kind and friendly. I can say that I felt like home in Malaga. La gente es estupenda!"
Onur Selek,
Student, Turquía
"In my opinion Malaga is a "perfect" place to live. I learned interesting things during my internship in Malaga and also our Coordinator in Malaga helped us a lot. Gracias."
Ion Fotau, Ion Fotau, Vice Dean (UP-Rumanía)- Staff Training Program
"Our Partner in Malaga is a profesional agency with experienced and very well informed staff. Vizitele realizate in Malaga au deschis cai pentru o viitoare colaborare, benefica pentru cei interesati."
Emil Pop,
Rector Emil Pop, Emil Pop - Rector University of Petrosani (Rumanía)- Staff Training Program
"We had the oportunity to establish contacts for future colaboration within the framework of LLP with educational institution and companies from Malaga.The visits were well organized and opened the way to other interested colaborations. Numai cuvinte de lauda in aceasta prima faza."
Cristina Mandrescu & Alexandra Despa,
Erasmus Students Rumanía 2010
"Modul de viata din aceasta zona , precum si cultura foarte specifica au contribuit la petrecerea acestui stagiu intr-o atmosfera de vacanta.Experienta pe masura asteptarilor, atmosfera foarte placuta studiului, noi prietenii. We shall return here in the future.Perfectly!"
Andreia Blaga,
Erasmus 2010 (Rumanía)
"Was the most beautiful experience in my life in the area which I want to do my future career-tourism.Malaga is very beautiful, the people are very friendly. O experienta de neuitat alaturi de oameni minunati."
Jessica Seltzer,
LdV student 2010 - Alemania
"It was really great everything. We all had a wonderful time. I like the culture, the country and spanish people. Monica, our tutor is a really nice, friendly and helpful person. Thank you for everything."
Johannes Jetter,
ERASMUS + student 2010 - Alemania
"The program in Malaga was a really good experience for me because I learned a lot of myself and got the chance to know other country and it´s people."
Carmen Craciun,
Teacher companion ERASMUS + June 2010 - Lic.Arte Arad
"From the beginning I felt like home and I always return with pleasure.M-am simtit ca acasa si ne-am reintoarce oricand cu drag."
Maria Luta,
ERASMUS + May 2010 ISJ Arad
"PROFESIONALISM! Programul a fost respectat..punctualitate, implicare, atentie la detalii.F.B.!"
Leonica Popescu,
Teacher companion ERASMUS + 2010 (Petroşani, Rumanía)
"The program was very good but too short.The host company is a good partner and have organized everything very well from the beginning. Fima organizatoare, SIC, e ste un partener foarte bun si le acord calificativul foarte bine."
Christine McGowan,
EMPOWER Project, Phase 2 Malaga 2010 (Dungannon Council-N Irlanda)
"Our visit to Malaga was a very valuable and interesting experience. We made many useful contacts for future collaboration. Monica was a very professional and efficient coordinator. She put a lot of effort into making our trip a success."
Ionesc Ioana Raluca,
Erasmus 2009 (Bucarest, Rumanía)
"I had a great time during the 3 month internship period both professional and personal. I learned a lot from the company I was assigned to. I also enjoyed the Spanish experience since it is very different from what we have in Rumanía. The people are all very nice and open and kind and I would really like to come back."
Omar Tarazzit,
ERASMUS + student 2009, Alemania
"I love Malaga ,all the people are happy and friendly.The staff from my work accepted me very well from the first day and they were very friendly. I would like to return to Malaga for one year more."
Florentina Munteanu,
Leonardo student (Rumanía)
"The program realized in Malaga was a wonderful experience and I learned a lot of new things."
Monika Kubiszová,
Teacher Czech Republic -ERASMUS + 2009
"I would like to express special and great thanks to our Tutor in Malaga to organize so well our program, before and during our stay. Thank you very much!"
Florica Kemenski,
Director School "Theodor Costescu", Rumanía- ERASMUS + Training 2009
"The training was according to the program and the activities realized in Malaga fulfiled the expectations of the participants. Felicitări!"
Daniela Stefan,
"The time spent in Malaga was an unic experience for me because I had the oportunity to learn a lot of new things that helps me in my personal and profesional life."
Nan Marin Siviu,
Teacher Nan Marin Siviu, Rumanía - Participant STAFF Training
"I can say that the program in Malaga was at european standards.Our Coordinator got involved in our program also showed big interest and friendship. Programul vizitelor si indeplinirea acestuia se inscrie in coordonatele modernitatii."
Beata y Veronika,
Students, Eslovaquia
"We love being in Malaga, everything was great the sun, the beach, "sangria"... the time was flying. Our tutor in Malaga organized for us different activities, excursions, visit to Pimpi... Queremos volver!"
Bülent Vardal,
Teacher, Turquía
"Thank you for your support and friendship, we spent a wonderful time in Malaga. From now I miss Spain. Hasta luego...."
Corentin Calves,
Student Francia
"Gracias por esta experiencia en Málaga, no la voy a olvidar.... Espero volver un día."
Aron Poanta, Aron Poanta, Dean Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engeenering (UP-Rumanía)- Staff Training Program
"The main objectives of the visits were fullfiled thankful to the important support offered by our Coordinator in Malaga."